Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nuclear Event - Egypt is saved from a nuclear disaster - 3rd June 2011

The Coming Crisis

Computer Translation from Original Article >>>

A leak of radioactive water occurred the last few hours in the small nuclear facility Anshas, ​​Egypt, after the explosion of a reactor pump. An anonymous source in the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority told the local newspaper Rose el Youssef, which ran the headline "Egypt is saved from a nuclear disaster."
The source recalled that the first research reactor Anshas was recently put into operation without the permission of the Centre for Nuclear Safety and without respecting the safety of the reactors. The source told the newspaper that an explosion took place yesterday in the pump of the reactor and caused the loss of ten cubic meters of radioactive water.

The officials added that «disaster» third degree is classified according to the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

1 comment:

  1. This event must have included at least one major bribe to some American entity to get a functional reactor outside of the safety regulations and procedures. Not smart. Probably W.
