Thursday, October 4, 2012

Inhofe Seeks Hearings Addressing the EPA’s Monstrous “Illegal Human Experiments”

Andrew W. Griffin

Just days after Red Dirt Report featured a story out of St. Louis, Mo. addressing the shocking revelation that the U.S. Army was conducting secret experiments on citizens of that city without their knowledge in the 1950’s -by spraying toxic substances on them – we learn that potentially deadly human experimentation is taking place this very day – and sanctioned by the U.S. government, no less! While those Cold War-era tests – some believed to include radiological substances, primarily on lower-income, inner-city folks – took place more than 50 years ago in St. Louis, Corpus Christi, Texas and elsewhere, we learn that the Environmental Protection Agency is currently being sued in federal court for “conducting illegal life-and-health-threatening scientific experiments on human subjects,” according to a report from September 24th.

And Oklahoma’s senior senator, Tulsa’s Jim Inhofe, is demanding further answers from the EPA, in the meantime. Hearings are likely in coming weeks.

Suing the EPA and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson is The American Tradition Institute Environmental Law Center.

This is in response to illegal human experiments involving the 2009 KINGCON study and the 2010 OMEGACON study and exposure to lethal levels of particulate matter. The court document and lawsuit, The American Tradition Institute Environmental Law Center v. United States Environmental Protection Agency and Lisa P. Jackson, Administrator can be read here.

In the court documents, it notes, for instance, that one plaintiff, asthma-sufferer Landon Huffman, participated in human experiments several years ago that he was led to believe would “help people with asthma.”

Huffman, the documents note, “was not informed that the pollution EPA was forcing into his lungs could actually cause him to have an asthma attack. Nor was he ever given anything from EPA that would possibly relieve his asthma.”

One “obese woman with hypertension and pre-experiment evidence of cardiac irritability” was placed in a gas chamber and exposed to small particles “at levels far above what the EPA had published as safe.” She was later hospitalized. Clearly these poor people were seen as expendable by this out-of-control government agency.

A medical ethicist named Dr. John Dale Dunn looked at the post-experiment results and was stunned by what he learned.

Said Dunn: “I am outraged and saddened to know that highly trained and expert physicians would be involved in scandalously unethical and immoral professional research, subjecting humans to toxic or lethal levels of small particles.”

Two other plaintiffs, Steven J. Milloy and Dr. David Schnare, had relatives in Nazi concentration camps. Milloy’s uncle, Zoran Galkanovic, who was incarcerated at the Mauthausen concentration camp, “was forced to … identify those individuals at the concentration camp too ill to work, knowing they would subsequently be executed.” Located in Austria, the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp was known for unspeakable horrors that included all sorts of gruesome and deadly medical experiments.

Camp physician Hermann Richter “surgically removed significant organs – e.g., stomach, liver, or kidneys – from living prisoners solely in order to determine how long a prisoner could survive without the organ in question.”

It is because of what happened to his family member that Milloy has “(a)ccepted as a family responsibility the fight against any government who subjects its citizens to inhumane treatment.”

Dr. Schnare, meanwhile, worked for the EPA for 33 years and was shocked to learn of the illegal human experimentation by the EPA. He told the American Tradition Institute, based in Burke, Va., that he is a plaintiff because he “abhors current governmental experimentation on humans for the purposes of determining the effect of poisons.”

One new study, called CAPTAIN, is currently ongoing at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, believe it or not. CAPTAIN, according to court documents, “imposes a risk of immediate death from an acute exposure” to dangerous particulates.

The plaintiffs are seeking an end to CAPTAIN and other sinister experiments taking place in the Tarheel State and elsewhere, via the federal courts.

Meanwhile, the EPA scientists, it was revealed, conducted some potentially lethal experiments in Durham, North Carolina. “order(ing) human subjects be placed into a gas chamber and exposed to a lethal gas.” In this case, diesel exhaust.

Three days ago, U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a ranking member on the Committee on Environment and Public Works, wrote a letter to that committee’s chairwoman, U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), addressing this shocking lawsuit.

Writes Inhofe, in his letter dated September 28th: “As I understand from the complaint, the EPA exposed dozens of human subjects, many of whom were health-impaired (e.g. asthma, metabolic syndrome, elderly) to concentrated high levels of substances like fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and diesel exhaust, which EPA has previously and officially determined can kill people and cause cancer.”

Inhofe continues: “It also appears that the EPA researchers failed to inform the institutional review board and the study subjects of its official views concerning the lethality and toxicity of PM2.5 and diesel exhaust.”

Inhofe also tells Boxer that he would like the committee, which is responsible for EPA oversight, to “conduct hearings on this matter in the upcoming ‘lame-duck’ session.”

Inhofe also says that the EPA “may be held criminally liable for its conduct.” We hope to have more on this story in the coming weeks.

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