Election Fraud, Culture of Corruption in Pima County, why Early Ballots shouldn't be counted before Election Day and what all this means. The current court case "...alleges that Pima County, through the direction and control of its county administrator C.H. "Chuck" Huckelberry, has systematically subverted critical controls required to protect the purity of elections. The elimination of those controls has permitted county management to take advantage of the ability to cheat presented by defects in our computerized election system. As a result, county management fraudulently rigged the Regional Transportation Authority election on May 16, 2006 and has the ability to manipulate the outcome of any Pima County election, including not only bond elections, but the elections of members of the Board of Supervisors, themselves."
(1) Bill Risner initial disclosure statement which is a mind blowing comprehensive statement of facts collected over 8 years of investigations and litigation of Pima County: http://tinyurl.com/LPFiling
(2) Affidavit Zbig Osmolski about who hack the RTA Election of May 16, 2006: http://electiondefensealliance.org/files/Osmolski_Affidavit.pdf
(3) Invoice for the cropscanner Pima County Elections:http://electiondefensealliance.org/files/crop_scanner_invoice.pdf
(4) Fraud Flyer with 10 points:http://www.sweetremedy.tv/fatallyflawed/media/RTA_Fraud_Flyer_3_7_12.pdf
(5) Video - Two minutes into the video shows how Pima County Elections using a "crop scanner" to program the memory card before voting so that it would print the results they wanted as opposed to the actual votes. The purpose of the Black box report was to warn county election departments of this potential mechanism of fraud, now famously referred to as the "Hursti hack." The report came out July 4, 2005. By August 3, 2005, Pima County had purchased the same device. Video clip, 6 minutes, live at:http://youtu.be/GhS0Mogy19o
(6) Video - Attorney Bill Risner Explains How Election Fraud Works in Pima County (Tucson) Arizona. This is the 19 minute version:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE0kOvFjn_0&feature=colike
(7) Link to all of AUDIT-AZ videos, total of 86:https://www.youtube.com/user/auditaz
(8) Thursday, August 9, 2012; Arizona Election Fraud: Is Stealing Two Billion in Taxes a Crime Too Big to Prosecute? :http://fatallyflawedelections.blogspot.com/2012/08/arizona-election-fraud-is-...
(9) Link to Judge Kyle Bryson ruling : http://tinyurl.com/98gbpjh
(10) ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD: PIMA COUNTY COURT HEARING 08.13.12 MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKym1AlwFnE&feature=colike
(11) Summary of the Four Pima County Cases 09/06/10 by Bill Risner updated 7/16/11 by Jim March and John Brakey: http://tinyurl.com/5wda8gl
(12) The Ellen Theisen report on the many Significant Discrepancies in the AZ AG office hand count:http://www.votersunite.org/info/SignificantDiscrepanciesInComparisonOfRTAResu...
(13) Pima County's Manger "Chuck Huckelberry" created a monster PR Staff, AZ Daily Star: Josh Brodesky: County's new PR force: Good use of tax funds? Sunday, October 9, 2011: http://tinyurl.com/6p5qhtl
(14) When It Comes To Election Integrity In Arizona There's Nothing Like Having An "Elephant in the Room" Or At Least A "Big Donkey" August 8, 2010: http://www.audit-az.blogspot.com/2010/08/when-it-comes-to-election-integrity-...
(15) Link to our last appeal : "Opening Brief to Arizona State Court Of Appeals Div 2. Seeking Prospective Relief to Protect the Purity of Future Election Results?:http://seekingjusticeauditaz.blogspot.com/2010/04/test.html
(16) Court of Appeals Memorandum decision of 10.28.10.pdf, After this decision Pima County appealed to AZ Supreme Court and they back Court of Appeals decision: http://tinyurl.com/958s4f4
(17) The Ellen Theisen report on the many Significant Discrepancies in the AZ AG office hand count:http://www.votersunite.org/info/SignificantDiscrepanciesInComparisonOfRTAResu...
(18) Bill Risner's resolution to State Democratic Party, with backup documents:http://www.velvetrevolution.us/electionstrikeforce/ArizonaDemResolution2010.pdf
(19) Summary of the Four Pima County Cases 09/06/10 by Bill Risner updated 7/16/11 by Jim March and John Brakey: http://tinyurl.com/5wda8gl
(20) Maricopa County no better (Phoenix) 4th largest county in USA, "These Points "Interlock" To Make A Complete Election Fraud Recipe": http://audit-az.blogspot.com/2010/08/on-monday-08162010-emergency-lawsuit.html
(21) Sleuthing Stolen Election 2004: John Brakey and the "Hack and Stack" By David L. Griscom, Ph.D. February 2007:http://www.iefd.org/articles/sleuthing_stolen_election.php
(22) Arizona Election Integrity News www.RiggedNoMore.comhttp://www.audit-az.blogspot.com and SEEKING JUSTICEhttp://www.seekingjusticeauditaz.blogspot.com
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