In light of Egypt's continued blockade of of the Third Viva Palestine Gaza Convoy that left London, this article reminds us of the continued damage made by Israel's blockade.
29 December 2009 – The United Nations independent expert on Palestinian rights has again called for a threat of economic sanctions against Israel to force it to lift its blockade of Gaza, which is preventing the return to a normal life for 1.5 million residents after the devastating Israeli offensive a year ago.
“Obviously Israel does not respond to language of diplomacy, which has encouraged the lifting of the blockade and so what I am suggesting is that it has to be reinforced by a threat of adverse economic consequences for Israel,” Richard Falk, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, told UN Radio.
American-led troops were accused yesterday of dragging innocent children from their beds and shooting them during a night raid that left ten people dead.
Afghan government investigators said that eight schoolchildren were killed, all but one of them from the same family. Locals said that some victims were handcuffed before being killed. Full Article
The state of Israel refuses to allow posts of this video showing fake Al Qaeda operatives. Why? Could resistance to 9/11 Truth be in part to protect Israel? Some have speculated that celebrated scholars and historians like Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman and Howard Zinn may be concerned about the glaring link between 9/11 and the Israeli Mossad. Again, it's pure speculation that these public figures would somehow be attempting to block any potential backlash against Jews. Such overt willful ignorance, however, gives birth to a lot of questions. But it's important to ask what stake does Israel actually have in preventing the fraud of Al Qaeda from being revealed? As Israel might be attempting to hide potential culpability, how insulting could this be to assume the U.S. population will fail to make the distinction between the Jewish people, religion and culture and the wanton destruction that the state of Israel has performed recently in Gaza and Lebanon?
This video was produced and narrated by Mike Rivero, a seasoned professional in the special effects industry of film. His website,, is a pioneer site that began reporting and collecting news items that the corporate/mainstream media has failed to cover. Most important, the reputation and credibility of Mike Rivero's site is a worthy accomplishment.
After the U.S. Senate's passage of the current health care bill, the remaining substance within the bill will only benefit the health insurance companies and the pharmaceutical firms.
U.S. citizens will be forced to pay up to 8% of their income to private insurance corporations — whether they want to or not. If they refuse to buy the insurance, they will pay penalties of up to 2% of their annual income to the IRS. The cost of medical care will continue to rise, and insurance premiums for a family of four will rise an average of $1,000 a year — meaning in 10 years, your family’s insurance premium will be $10,000 more annually than it is right now.
Party worshipers continue to cling to this measure out of fear of the potential black mark on Obama if the bill fails to pass. Again, compromise in the name of "smart politics" is detrimental to our health.
"Our real enemy is not the ones living in a distant land whose names or policies we don't understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it's profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs..." - Mike Prysner
In case anyone has not heard about the retaliatory techniques of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, this channel 5 news broadcast in Phoenix does a decent job of summarizing Arpaio's offenses. Few are willing to point out the close relationship between Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Maricopa Elections Director Karen Osborn. Boxes of ballots earmarked for auditing are moved to one of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's facilities and spend a night in this facility with Joe's deputies and no video surveillance before the audit is performed the next day. This is precisely what took place in the fall 2008 elections. Meanwhile, people are scratching their heads about the AZ state senate's clear majority of grossly incompetent neo-cons who appear to have no concern for the public's interest and/or a balanced budget. Does the state senate truly reflect the will of the state's citizens? Clearly we do not know.
Despite the great deal of effort put forth by election integrity activists in the field and at the courts to sound the alarm to the public about these potential conflicts, pompous self-proclaimed liberals dismissed these messengers as mere conspiracy theorists while continuing to complain about the senate's failure to pass a budget.
Although the essential facts of the case have been widely aired, the CIA continues to declare its crimes state secrets. Too much public emphasis on torture prior to the public show trials of the tortured 9/11 suspects? Full Article
The 22 million e-mails "would never have been found but for our lawsuits and pressure from Capitol Hill," said Anne Weismann, chief counsel for CREW. "It was only then that they did this reanalysis and found as a result that there were 22 million e-mails that they were unable to account for before."
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said the Bush administration had been dismissive of congressional requests that the administration recover the e-mails. Leahy said it was "another example of the Bush administration's reflexive resistance to congressional oversight and the public's right to know."
ST. LOUIS — Confidential contracts detailing Monsanto Co.'s business practices reveal how the world's biggest seed developer is squeezing competitors, controlling smaller seed companies and protecting its dominance over the multibillion-dollar market for genetically altered crops, an Associated Press investigation has found. Full Article
Another potential explanation for that "erosion of talent in the vision thing".
The CIA "World Factbook" estimate the world population to be about 6.8 billion and the US population to be a mere 307 million. In an April 2008 report, the market research firm Datamonitor reported that the "US dominates the ADHD market with a 94 percent market share."
"I am responsible for the deployment of thousands of young Americans to battle in a distant land. Some will kill. Some will be killed. And so I come here with an acute sense of the cost of armed conflict -- filled with difficult questions about the relationship between war and peace, and our effort to replace one with the other." -Barack Obama as he accepts the Noble Peace Prize
"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." -George Orwell, Quote from '1984'
"The Nobel Committee said Obama won the prize for his respect of international law and his efforts at disarmament, yet he won't even sign on to end a barbaric weapon." -Bill Moyers
Tory MP and defence specialist Adam Holloway says MI6 got information indirectly from a taxi driver who had heard Iraqi military commanders talking about weapons. I believe the correct term is "hearsay". Article.
Stating how unlikely it is that other states will be compliant for the Real I.D. Act of 2005, Napolitano pushes for a passage of "Pass I.D." and is using the threat of paralyzing travel through the entire United States of America in order to encourage the Senate to move the Pass ID bill along. Napolitano is claiming the need to abide by the 9/11 Commission's recommendation on this issue. Again, officials are quoting from the thoroughly disgraced 9/11 commission Read the full article.
Why did the Hadley Climate Research Unit, New Zealand's NWIA, Australia's climate center, and NOAA choose to employ non-scientific methods to support the idea of Anthropogenic Global Warming? Why were they so shrill in attacking those that pointed out how NASA's unbiased research indicated similar warming patterns on other planets in the solar system?
We know that there is an expectation to reap billions in profits from the trading of "Carbon Credits", a brainchild of disgraced Enron executive Kennith Lay. The Wall Street Journal's recent article on this matter suggests a motive that has been lauded with the highest amount of ridicule by self-proclaimed progressives that likely think the buildings fell because the planes hit them - a world governmental structure for the enforcement of the "Carbon Credit" market. Here is an excerpt:
The "scheme for the new institutional arrangement under the Convention" that starts on page 18 contains the provision for a "government." The aim is to give a new as yet unnamed U.N. body the power to directly intervene in the financial, economic, tax and environmental affairs of all the nations that sign the Copenhagen treaty.
The reason for the power grab is clear enough: Clause after complicated clause of the draft treaty requires developed countries to pay an "adaptation debt" to developing countries to supposedly support climate change mitigation. Clause 33 on page 39 says that "by 2020 the scale of financial flows to support adaptation in developing countries must be [at least $67 billion] or [in the range of $70 billion to $140 billion per year]."
Jesse Ventura spoke to a huge crowd in Phoenix on September 11th, 2008. Those who had the pleasure of attending this event understood this guy speaks from the heart. Then it was about torture, "give me 10 minutes with Dick Cheney and I'll have him confessing to the Sharon Tate murders". Damn right.
As backdrop accentuating the absurdity of Barack Obama's decision to escalate the execution of war crimes in Afghanistan, this portion of BBC's "Power of Nightmares" traces the origins of the group eventually labeled "Al Qaeda". Making war against ideas like "Terrorism" comes full circle when a facetious label is used to describe a group that initially never existed. "Al Qaeda" was a name generated by one false witness for the FBI to enable prosecution of Bin Laden for the embassy bombings in East Africa. Later, Arabs that took up arms to fight the U.S. invasion in Afghanistan and Iraq were often linked with this fabricated group, "Al Qaeda".
Fatally Flawed: The Pursuit of Justice in a Suspicious Election
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See Hillary Clinton Make Fun of Gaddafi's Murder
Here is Israel's Crap Treatment of an American Jew
People participate in movements when that particular movement
(1) meets their concrete and tangible needs, (2) offers individuals real experiences in the movement's outcome (3) provides a sense of community, (4) makes available ongoing education and skills training and (5) shows direct and effective ways for people to take further action.
A loose interpretation of a message sent on Sunday, October 4th, 2009 by the Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy
A worker walks out of a factory building outfitted with nets, installed to prevent workers from jumping to their deaths, at a Foxconn factory, in Langfang, Hebei Province August 3, 2010. There have been nearly a dozen suicides at Foxconn plants around China this year alone, prompting calls for investigations into poor working conditions at the plants that make parts for customers such as Apple, HP and Dell. (REUTERS/Jason Lee) #
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