Saturday, September 3, 2011

Breaking: Israel and ADL Coverup of 9/11 Exposed (Press TV Video)

Abe Foxman Acolyte Taken to the Woodshed By Veterans Today

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

 (Editor’s note:  Consider this a lesson plan for anyone confronted with an ADL “gatekeeper”)
For the months leading up toward this disastrous period in Israeli history, the break in relations with Turkey, hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews demonstrating for real democracy, the flood of evidence tying Israel to 9/11, the UN condemnation of Israel for the Freedom Flotilla killings and the upcoming UN vote on Palestine, Veterans Today Senior Editor, Gordon Duff along with columnist James Fetzer are confronted with what clearly is shown to be a 9/11 “denialist” pretending to be a peace activist.

During a recitation of “talking points” from Abe Foxman’s ADL (Anti-Defamation League), an organization we believe has been tasked with covering up Israel’s involvement in 9/11, total mayhem breaks out.  Amid a flood of deflections, accusations of “antisemitism” and outright falsehoods, what can only be considered a clandestine spokeperson for the New World Order is stopped in his tracks:

Note that the video edits out additional charges of “antisemitism’ and references to the “holocaust.”  However, enjoy what you are allowed to see.
In retaliation for this confrontation, Abe Foxman of the AntiDefamation League issued a press release yesterday condemning Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, James Fetzer, Alan Sabrosky and Kevin Barrett as “vicious antisemites.”
Our take?
Shakespeare says it best, as is so often the case:
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2, 222–230
This oft misquoted line from Shakespeare, used in the context we note, makes the point well
If there were any doubt of Israel’s complicity in 9/11, we have put those doubts to rest.
As Abe Foxman pointed out so aptly on his website,, the issues of Israeli involvement in 9/11 must be addressed, not through childish accusations and bad prose, as the ADL is best known for, but extradition, trials and executions.

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