Friday, April 6, 2012

Is Traditional Media Dying? The Numbers Indicate Just That

Wake Up World
Madison Ruppert

So-called mainstream media is quickly falling out of the mainstream. I am attempting to push the title of mainstream media out of my lexicon completely, replaced by “traditional media,” “legacy media,” “dinosaur media,” or “establishment media.”

This is because in the near future, calling it mainstream media will be about as accurate as calling Wake Up World Nazi media (that is to say, ludicrously inaccurate).

In March, the well known news organization and cable broadcaster CNN dropped a shocking 50% in total viewers and a whopping 60% in the age 25-54 demographic (A25-54) over the total day according to reports from TVNewser.

On the other hand, during primetime they fell 21% in total viewers and 26% in A25-54 viewers compared to March of last year.
CNN was not alone in losing a huge amount of their viewers, as the infamous Fox News was hit hard in March and overall in the first quarter (Q1) of 2012.
For the month, Fox lost a whopping 17%, which further shows that the biased, misleading dinosaur media is on the way out, and fast.
This is hardly surprising to someone like me in the alternative media, as it reflects exactly what we have been seeing: a crumbling paradigm of media that serves corporate interests and is little more than a dog sitting on the lap of government.
Most notably, CNN completely ignored the freedom-crushing National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 here in the United States.

Sections 1021 and 1022 of this legislation, now known as the indefinite detention provisions, completely eradicate our right to due process by authorizing the indefinite military detention of anyone the government says might be a terrorist.

It seems quite clear to me that the American people – and people around the globe for that matter – are beginning to wake up to the fact that we have been, and are currently being, deceived by the media on a daily basis.

That is likely why people are rapidly fleeing the insanely misleading establishment media which continues to tell them that they should be concerned with the lives of celebrities, the non-existent Iranian nuclear weapons, while completely ignoring the poison in our food and water, the increasingly tyrannical governments of the world, and the completely fabricated so-called “War on Terror.”
The people of the world are likely increasingly turning to the internet and social media to get the real news, as it is highly doubtful that suddenly 50% of CNN’s total viewers stopped consuming news altogether.

This is very encouraging to me and it signals a bright future for humanity as people are increasingly resilient to the misleading coverage and false narratives given to us by the establishment media.
If this trend continues, soon enough the entire concept behind traditional media will have to give way to the quickly rising independent and alternative media, and of course this is an incredibly positive development.

While many things in the world seem to just be getting worse, it is great to see that there is a growing tide of awakened people around the world who are not only aware of what is going on, but are also turning off the indoctrination platforms known as televisions and instead getting the real news from likeminded people who care about our future as human beings.

About the Author

Madison Ruppert is the Editor and Owner-Operator of the alternative news and analysis database End The Lie and has no affiliation with any NGO, political party, economic school, or other organization/cause. He is available for podcast and radio interviews. If you have questions, comments, or corrections feel free to contact him at

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